Cleaning & Restoration

A monument gives families a sense of closure, giving them a place to gather and remember their loved ones in the years to come. We often think of a monument as a serene place — a place where stillness and tranquility are welcomed. If a monument has fallen into disrepair, it can make this space a little less special. Here’s how we can help:


Preserve the Past

Over time, if left unattended, the severe elements can affect the appearance of monuments. Our skilled staff of craftsmen can restore the appearance of any monument — everything from personal plaques to civic monuments — bringing the memorial back to its original appearance. Even if we did not design the monument, we can still provide this service. Our team of experienced memorialists will work with you to guide you through this process, determining which services will be needed.

Honor the Future

In order to protect your monument from deterioration, guarding it from wear and tear and the effects of pollution, it’s important to schedule periodic monument cleanings. Contact Sprung Monuments today for an estimate.